Undoubtedly one of the best methods for finding referrals is through Twitter. The key is managing to gather enough followers so that you can post tweets which will be received by 1000s of people. The good news is that there's an easy trick you can use to rapidly increase your followers over the course of about a week.
Buzzom.com is a site which allows you to log into your twitter account and follow people in batches of 50. Now you might be wondering why that's useful to you. The people that you follow will most likely follow you back thinking that they know you. This can be repeated as many times as you like until you have loads of followers. You can follow people based on keyword matches, so if you want to find referrals for a PTC site, you would filter through people related to PTC. Simple.
The one thing that you want to avoid is following people only to have them not follow you in return. However, with the help of FriendorFollow you can unfollow people who aren't following you. Therefore you can maximise the amount of followers that you have.
Once you have a lot of followers, you can post tweets about how well your scheme is going and leave your referral link. This is a sure fire way to get that link some attention.
A word of advice: Use a URL masker such as MooURL to hide and shorten your referral link to increase the number of clicks.
Happy Tweeting.